Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I put my phone in my boob

So, out of boredom, being a socially inept person, and failing my midterm that day, I went with my roommates to the Castro to celebrate Halloween. I, along with Phillip, didn’t wear a costume but Nancy, Susan, Esme, and Steven got down and dressed up (or down depending on how you see it).

We were on Judah and 19th waiting for the J train, Nancy was drunk by 9 and Phillip and I ended up being her human crutches for the night. The train just got more and more crowded the closer we got to our final destination. A little less than halfway through our trip, the train is already starting to get packed when this lady gets on. Each successive stop after that, new people would get on, pushing me and the lady further into the train.

Out of mutual frustration, we started talking to each other. She broke the ice by asking if the train was at Castro yet and I asked her where she was headed. Just her luck to get off work and meet a train full of freaks (more than usual, people go all out here especially when you get to dress up). Her plan was to go home and watch a scary movie. But she told me to have fun and be careful once I got to my stop. What I love about this city is that people are so nice, especially when it comes to complementing on other people’s costumes or making small talk on the train.

The whole area was a huge outdoor dance club; a platform was placed in the cross section of Castro and some street I can’t think of right now. But half the time it was a whole group of us squeezing through the crowd trying to find one another and standing outside dance clubs waiting for the other half of the group to get us into the club. During that time, Nancy proclaimed she loved everyone and that she wasn’t drunk. Some were dancing or smoking, or both.

All I can say is I came, I saw, I left. I wouldn’t mind going back to take pictures though.

Warning: Complaints ahead!

So my room smells like weed. Well, I came home smelling like that but I’m talking about my whole wardrobe. My bed sheets, my clothes, my books… smell like a cannabis club. I was thinking of maybe changing my sheets this week because it’s what I do. I change sheets when it’s time to change them. I decided not to change them since they would end up smelling like pot because my roommate smokes it in the room with her boyfriend. She’s showering with him right now, and he was in our room last night. After I came back from celebrating, I ended up sleeping on the couch because it would be weird to sleep in a room with them. I had a better night’s sleep in the living room than I ever did in my room. And that’s wrong. But I’m moving after this month so, whatever. Nancy, in her drunken stupor, kept telling me not to leave and was worried about her phone. So silly, I like everyone except for you know who.

He better not stay here tonight. I have three weeks left after this… I really want to go on vacation. Right now.


At 3:10 AM, Blogger NewYorkMoments said...

Cool blog.

At 9:11 AM, Blogger dorothy rothschild said...

Chica, I am so sorry. Roommates suck the big one.


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