Monday, October 10, 2005

Fumbling in the dark

My Saturday was spent fumbling in a small pitch black room with three other people... who knew photography class would be so interesting? So far I've managed to miss the first day of class, annoy the teacher, make an ass of myself, and making others hate me. But I did tone it down at the end of class...

And to think that I thought only econ classes had jerks (I'm talking about myself but mostly about others). Classical arhaeology has them as well. Never could be able to escape the growing hatred I feel for others in at least one class every semester. I'm beginning to wonder if it's me.

Nancy, Susie, and I are not beginning to warm up to the new girl at our place. Kinda wish we were able to take out more time to look for a person who would get along with us better. Ah well, it's not leased in our names anyway and I never needed to pay a deposit so I can leave whenever I want to. We'll see how it goes because I'm leaving at the end of November if I can get my schedule to gel nicely. Going to see about the graduate school fair tomorrow. I'd be surprised if I ever got into any of them, my grades suck really bad. But I'd go if only to delay working full time and if I can afford it. It's all about the effing money isn't it?


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