The addictive powers of Girl Scout cookies
They sat there, luring in victims like conspicuous sirens, casting off this silent wave of enchantment.
Having to walk back and forth from cabinet to cabinet, I found myself unable to resist the urge to grab a box and eat a cookie or two. Heck, I was a GS myself for a while when I was about 11 or 12. Remembering back, I really should have joined the Boy Scouts because they teach you how to tie knots and stuff. We never learned any useful things like that; all we did was play silly games and patty cake all day. We also sang silly songs and made lanyard key chains. But still, Boy Scouts never had cookies or calendars with cutesy stickers. So perhaps that’s why.
And coming back to cookies… I see that my roommate, as food conscious as she is, has a box of All Abouts Girl Scout cookies stashed in her pantry. You wanna know why they’re called All Abouts? This partially chocolate dipped butter cookie says “GIRL SCOUTING IS ALL ABOUT....... ” (you may insert the words: leadership, values, fun, friendship, etc. in the dotted area) right on it.
Well, I guess so. I mean, look at where I am now, eating more than I should yet not regretting it as much but enough to write about it. Talk about having great values.
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