Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The Return

Maiden! It's good to hear from you, it's been a while but I'm glad you're still around (though I don't know why, especially when it's about my life - an angsty twentysomething teenager). Still, I appreciate your comment.

Perhaps it was the change of atmosphere or some apprehension before work, but I must have woken at least 5 times last night. I eventually called Jules to tell her I'd be late and she asked me if anything was wrong. Of course I said no, even though I wanted to tell her something entirely different. I did filing for most of the day, which is as mind numbing as work can get. Plus it's a back killer too, though fortunately I'm vertically challenged. Anyway, it wasn't so bad since the people there are friendly and the other intern was a great help. So there you go, no more whining for this week after this post.

Since it has been pouring buckets of rain this past weekend and on Monday, my folks at home don't have electricity even though it seems that it should have been fixed by now. That irritates me because they make you wait 20 or more minutes on the phone to talk to a person, much less have someone fix the problem. I understand that there are places with blackouts too, but this is silly. Is everyone from the electricity company in Napa/Sonoma? Ack, my poor sister. She has homework and application essays to write but can't do any of it if she can't get access on her computer. I should have suggested the old typewriter out in the garage. She can do her stuff by oil lamp light. That would paint a pretty picture only if we duct tape her mouth. Well, if they have another day without power, I'll call to tell her that and hang up real quick. I was never one for earfuls from her.


At 1:53 PM, Blogger Iron Maiden said...

Hey, just trying to cheer you up a little & sometimes wishing I was back in my twenties again! LOL I love my son but hey, it ain't easy!! Nothing worth it ever is, always remember that. :)


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