Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Connie's V-Day gift

Every year, you can expect the same thing to come along. The silly little candies dressed up in red finery, ready to be given as a token of love and affection. Well, my adoring audience, Connie got something special as well. So this year she won't have to feel a little left out. After much heartbreak about the Michelle Kwan ordeal, she knew this week was going to be... complicated. Alas, this time there are no sweets for this sweet. She walked down the streets of the Castro district with a chill in her bones from the unwelcome wind, not from seeing nice looking young men holding just bought flowers for their significant others. Pity it was a bit dark to see the rainbow flags waving cheerfully in the wind. The reason why she was above ground in the heart of the city was, get this, because the automated subway system was interrupted and the train conductors were at a loss whether or not to continue their dull but much appreciated trip in and out of the city. (Which leads to the question why there is a need for conductors but since this is more technical question, we'll skip on ahead.) So here was Connie, clueless as anyone else on board. After 5 minutes of sitting in her seat without moving, she squirmed a bit, looking up and down the middle of the train, throwing a questioning glance anyone who'd look at her.

Quite silly really, she walked from one station to another, only to get on a train for a ride that lasted another stop, and then getting out to walk one further stop. At least it doesn't snow here. After an hour delay, she came home to appreciate the other times when the trains were on schedule. She has come to appreciate technology, but thinks MUNI should improve communications to both the riders and conductors. It's not always a good thing to hear that they (the conductors) don't know what the hell is going on either. Connie passed the delayed ride in her usual and graceful manner - with Converse shoes on. Some of you may ask, is that possible? Yes it is, if you were sitting right next to her, you'd have to agree as well. Anyway, she knew that if she acted like the lady she is, difficulties are nothing but a fragment of the past.

Though it all, Connie has come to think that it's cute how people celebrate Valentine's Day (she's had an hour to think about it after all). To her, it's just another day. More or less. She looks forward to overhearing her how her coworkers have celebrated this day with their fiancés and husbands/wives. Since headphones are restricted in such a professional environment, she'll have to listen to something. You know, kind of like how background music can help your chores pass by a little faster. Otherwise, what are coworkers for? Except to help pass the time slower... but she hadn't really thought of it that way. Oh, the possibilities.


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