Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Mean females

I wish I could say that my reason for this absence was because of some exciting thing that has happened to me. But it hasn’t, I was just lazy and was going through another dry spell. My life is so unexciting that this happens occasionally. I figured the whole whiney bit ran out a little too long as well. But this is a rant too, I can't help myself. If you want to be in denial, like me once in a while, you could always pretend I was on yet another cruise to some far off destination. I spent most of my time in the bar or on deck, sipping margaritas.

I started work today at a new place with new people and all I can say is… the weather sucks and women are mean. Ok, they’re more verbal about their feelings than at my old place. But then again, I was the only female there so perhaps that’s why. You really never know what’s going through anyone’s mind, yet Michelle almost all the time lets everyone know how she feels. I think it’s supposed to be refreshing but I think I could do without it. Who knows, it has only been a day.

It sucks if you’re a single chic in SF according to my roommate (talking on the phone that I’m eavesdropping on) because:

1. Most of the guys here are gay
2. The good ones are taken
3. You’d be competing with other females up the wazoo for the leftovers.

And that’s why she’s thinking of leaving by April. So you can’t really blame me for not trying, I mean it takes so much effort and for what? So yeah, that also means I have to leave by April as well. So, I’d be commuting to school and work. Which sucks. There you have it, between eating meals alone and trying to get used to everything at work, my life has probably set its path. Permanently. I feel so numb. Or is it dumb? Next year better kick this year’s ass. Big time.

Best Christmas gift: A nice jacket and a nice place to stay even if it is for 3 months only. C'est la vie.

Note to self: Ma cousine & Trouquet; the theater district. Has an affinity to Salman Rushdie.


At 7:50 AM, Blogger dorothy rothschild said...

I'm sorry you're going through a rough patch right now.

Yes, working with women can suck. There is so much drama in my office, you don't even wanna know. And I blame it on the crazy older women.

You've got a lot going on, and it will pass, darlin'. School won't last forever, and then you'll be on to another job.

Is there no way to hang on to the apartment if the roommate goes? Then you could find someone to move in with you.

Does SF have any rooming houses, like they have up near Columbia here in NYC? That way you could have your own room in the city and not have to deal with any roommate b.s. You'd have to share a bathroom, but that's not that big of a deal.


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