Thursday, December 29, 2005

Not so glamorous

Another day, another free luch paid for by the company. It's the only reason why I go to work anyway. I'm there for the food.

So anyway, thanks Dot for the input about the job and housing. When my roommate leaves, she'll be selling the condo so there's no way I could keep the place since it's not mine in the first place! Unless I buy it from her with my Monopoly money. So yeah, that's out of the question. I'm looking a little at the ads right now, but finding a decent place to stay for a reasonable price is ridiculous because everything is overpriced and I'm po'. Is that how you spell it?

Housing programs... there probably are some but they all sound a bit shady because most are not school sponsored. But I'm not sure how much better it would be if the school were to get involved. I used to live in the private apartments right across the street from school and that was pretty crappy simply because I had to share with so many others. I'm sure I'll find something eventually but it's going to take a lot of time and effort. Something I don't look forward to but who knows, maybe my luck will get me through it. Lord knows I need it.

My plans for celebrating New Years consist of cheap champagne and sleeping right after midnight. Since I now have to sleep early for work, I've become used to waking up early as well. I can't believe how one day can be wasted at work, stuck in a building 5 days a week 8 or more hours a day. This is probably why I've been prolonging school. What time is left after work? And what if you're exhausted from sitting at your desk 90% of the time like a rock pushing papers around? You wouldn't think it would stressful but it is.

I used to envy all the professional people with their taylored suits and leather briefcases walking in a fast pace to get to work, so they could do Important and Meaningful Things. But now I think... this kind of sucks actually. There's got to be more than this, right? I should take a page from my cousin's book of life; she dropped out of grad school to cook. And she's having a marvelous time.

Oh screw it, I'm going to make myself a cuppa.


At 8:57 AM, Blogger Iron Maiden said...

So good to hear from you Connie, I know,I know, I shouldn't talk! LOL Even though I haven't been writing I always find time to read & reply.

Yeah, work sucks, but if you can find that elusive thing that you enjoy doing then you are blessed.Good luck, I had it once when I worked at the cruise line but haven't been able to find it again. I have met a lot of wonderful people at all the succesive crappy office jobs I have had. LOL Working w/pleasant people can certainly help make a job more endurable.Its certainly hard to find someplace that pays decent, has good benefits and where you enjoy the people and what your doing. Its a hard balance to strike but you just have to keep trying. Thats just life. Hey, I'm on line for the next Transit test in NY, their benefits and pay ROCK!! LOL

Anyway, take what you can along the way as experience and just keep searching, you'll find your place. Not just apt wise but in the world also.


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