Tuesday, November 15, 2005

This is it...

I never really liked driving. If were ever given a chance to have someone else drive, I'd let them. Even the crazy suicidal ones... Monday was a different story though. Driving invloves some form of concentration; very little of it is required but enough so that my mind won't wander. So I was glad to not be thinking about too many things while my little car bore the brunt of natural wear and tear at the speed of 80 mph. More or less.

I got my hair chopped off this weekend, because I wanted a trim but somehow got about 4 inches taken off. Now it's too short to be tucked behind my ear and stay in place or be tied up, yet too puffy to be let down. Silly puffy hair with no style.

I spent most of the evening chatting with a co-worker about how the compnay sucks and how we both want to leave desperately and we will once we find a better job. Knowing me, I might have to stay for over a year if they don't fire me. Things are starting to settle down, and I don't like it one bit. Same routine over and over. I'm feeling so old.


At 7:25 PM, Blogger Dem Soldier said...

U don't like driving?

I'm the person who drives from Minneapolis to Toronto every other month.......Everyday I spend more than 4 hrs in my car.....driving some where.......


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