Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Smell the Glaciers

Just when things are getting better for me, it gets worse for the country. Maybe it’s a jinx or something. I’m the person who is the personal representative of the whole nation and am a good indicator for when things get from bad to worse. Or something. Which means that things will get better, right? Because I’m still good, been wondering how Belle in particular is doing. Does anyone read this anymore? Does it matter? Maybe this is a good time to take a pretend cruise to Alaska, sort myself out a bit and come back when I have something to say. You know, take some time off and smell the glaciers.

I cut class today to write email and this here little bit of literary trash because I haven’t been good with posts anymore. (Literature that is crap. That’s funny, I should call this crap. Just plain old crap. There.)

I got all my classes, am in the process of trying to find out if I can write for the International Relations Journal at school, and having a marvelous time (as close as you can get anyway). No quizzes yet, no stupid projects or papers to worry about, and I haven’t spent enough time in class to get annoyed by any of my professors so far.

So what does Etruscan really sound like? And what about the University of Paris? I really want some ice cream right now; the combination of thinking and writing is giving me the munchies.


At 10:13 AM, Blogger Iron Maiden said...

I still read, I'm here. Its like you said in your previous blog,"don't want to write when it all goes to crap." LOL Just dealing w/a lot of crap and a lot of deadlines. When I get through this, it will allow me to tie up a lot of loose ends from my past and hopefully will motivate me to write more.I think about blogging all the time and then when I get in front of the computer I just have no motivation.I can't wait for closure so I can move on w/my life. Details soon on the blog, I promise. Sucks right now but will be better soon. :)

At 10:14 AM, Blogger Iron Maiden said...

And by the way, Alaska is GREAT!! I highly advise charging up your credit cards and taking a cruise there!!

At 11:00 AM, Blogger Connie said...

So I'm not the only one here with nothing to write about. Thanks for dropping by.

Now I have to go to Alaska! When's the best time anyway?

At 7:50 AM, Blogger Iron Maiden said...

The best time to go is from the end of May through the end of August. You live in Cali right? You might get a good deal on a one way repositioning cruise either at the beginning of the season or at the end. They usually leave out of Seattle but I think there are still some lines that go out of LA.


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