Monday, August 29, 2005

New everything

Hmm... It has been a while hasn't it? I found that after having everything end in crap leaves no motivation for writing. Not even to bitch. I find that I've been drained of everything, including the need to communicate or at least posting on here. But I'm getting back into the habit, trying to find something to do that reminds me of better times.

Anyway, thank you for the support. I needed it and things are getting better. I moved into my new place with 3 other roommates. Sure I've lived in a dorm before, but this is a new experience. My new roomies are girly girls. Not that that's a bad thing, it's just all very new to me. I've never seen so many hair styling products/lotions/makeup in one living area. And the thing is, it's everywhere. Literally. Except for maybe the kitchen. But everywhere else it's there. Since Nancy works at the... erm bath products store (Bath and Body Works), we have everything a woman needs scattered throughout the place. My sister came to look at the place and she said it smells like girl. Better than smelling like guys! It's a bit messy, I think I'll trip over something one day and break my only pair of glasses. Perhaps it'll happen this week, making the end of August a milestone for me. Perhaps I'll survive to tell you all about it.

There's one key amongst 4 people, so that sucks. Hopefully we'll be able to get duplicates that work this time from the leasing office. So... slowly getting used to everything. I'm trying to add classes and having the computer lab all to myself (kind of) is great. Umm... job is going well so far. Bought clothes like crazy this weekend. This is supposed to make me feel better since I had a root canal later on that day. C wrote back to me last week, and I'm in the process of finishing my letter to her. Made new penpals but lost almost all of them. Go figure. Since the cable is down at my place, I've been watching Sex and the City, season 6 and am up to episode 6 I believe. It sure beats fuzzy tv. And since there is no internet either, watching for fun is a good way to pass the time. Entertainment is entertainment. Except when it's a teen movie. I shudder to think of it... there are so many at my place. Ew.

No more snoopy old ladies looking over my shoulder, or demanding the rent or bills to be paid right away. I can shower for as long as I want AND wash my hair without having someone say something about having my hair clog the drains. That's what those little drain thingies are for. Anyway, perhaps it's too soon to gloat about it just yet. But the air at Candle Central is so much more relaxed and I always get offers of food. Junk food mostly, but I still get offered. I should bring them a treat when I come back next week.

I hope you guys are doing well, sounds like it. Is everyone born around this time of the year or what? Happy birthday! (Belated for Dorothy, but still... there's nothing wrong with having a celebratory drink in her honor or for Serendipity.)


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