Saturday, October 29, 2005

Hair and speculations

The problem with me is that I try to keep myself busy and when I finally manage to achieve that, I regret it. This morning when I woke up, I wanted to sleep in instead of going to class. But I knew it was too late to drop and that if I ever really wake up, usually an hour into class, I’d enjoy it. Now that I’m home, I have a pile of things I need to do but can’t seem to get into the mood to do it.

I have a little lunch date tomorrow with a ‘friend’. That being said, we work for the same company but have never seen each other yet. We just email each other because it’s boring at our respective offices. Somehow it started off with me writing that I couldn’t find a customer file at my office. Anyway, this is what happens when they block blogs and free email accounts. It seems that I’m the only single person within a 50 mile radius. Well, that settles that.

Speaking of relationships - Carl, the other intern, and I have been speculating about our manager. We don’t know if he’s gay or not. Yeah, I don’t have gaydar. Didn’t you know? Anyway, our manager mentioned his partner on several occasions… but it could be that he doesn’t believe in marriage. Or he could actually be gay. It doesn’t really matter but I’m afraid of making a mistake and putting my foot in my mouth if I assume something wrong. Carl actually thinks he is gay, what with having pictures of his coworkers at his desk. I don’t know. Time will tell.

Another thing on my mind is that I really should do something with my hair. I’m not shallow at all! Fortunately (or not?) there’s a salon near work so maybe I should go there. I don’t know. My hair is really difficult to handle. I gave up a long time ago; I’d just like to have it tamed. If that’s possible. And my paycheck didn’t come yesterday. What is with that? I need to pay the rent and eat, and maybe even to pay for my hair makeover.

This strange pattern of behavior must be affected by the weather. One day it’s sunny and warm and the next it’s cold, rainy, and foggy. I don’t know what to wear to school anymore. Sometimes I’m overdressed and other times it’s the opposite. Never listen to the weather people here; it’s too temperamental to know what it’s going to be like more than half a day ahead.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Bad grammar

I just went over my sad little post from Wednesday and I realized that the reason I had such bad grammar and couldn’t articulate was because I was never any good at English. I blame my teachers and people in my major can’t write anyway. I got my little film review back from my Roman Civilization class back, and I got marked off for grammar. I mixed my present tense with my past tense, etc. Since the original teacher was more laid back, she told us to write a simple little review – nothing formal or anything like that. In the end, she had to leave so she was replaced by another prof. that turns out to be much harder. We’ve had twice as much reading assigned and this one cares about writing properly.

Uh, no. I did not sign up for this. Too late.

Did I tell you that in my weekend photography class, my professor (from my university) is in it as well? So I’m taking class with my prof. and I don’t know what to call her. Professor? Doctor? Her name? It was definitely awkward from the beginning but now that I’ve seen her again it’s not so bad. Still, it’s strange. I’ll be taking her next semester too.

My pics didn’t turn out to be so bad once I developed and had them enlarged for the printing process. Still, I’m not Ansel Adams or anything like that. Yet. Hah! Look at me, with an inflated ego already. My cousin was here so I was glad I had class for most of her visit therefore missing out on obnoxiousness. She’s getting married… who knew with her controlling mother (tossing her suitors to the curb), that she’d get one that would stick for so long? Anyway, I’m getting ready for father to start comparing her to me and point out my downfalls. I think I’m going to leave town for a bit then, to let him blow steam off at my sister or some other sucker.

So Olive moved out of her place, I’m glad for her. She’s paying over $1290 a month for her place, which I think is still overpriced since it’s Sunnyv@le and all. I finally got to see her yesterday, and I splurged and bought this cup with dots all over it. I got a matching journal with it as well, it’s cool.

Other than that, nothing new ever goes on. I don’t have a strange cable stalker man like Serendipity or (ever will be going) on a trip like Dorothy. Or have such a busy life like Belle. Utterly mundane.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Rommate Blues

When I was a kid, my relatives used to come over to stay at my parents’ house for a few months because they had moved over to the States. I did not enjoy that at all, what with my sister being a newborn and having people crammed into every room and no respect for ones own property and privacy… I hated sharing a place with these people. Now I just hate them.

Currently it’s not as bad with my roommate, except when you bring your boyfriend over and seclude yourself from the rest of us. It’s definitely awkward. For one thing, it’s your life. I can’t say anything about it nor do I want to. When I’m not here, do whatever, just respect my stuff and don’t hog all the damn closet space. Somehow, my room is not my room anymore… I can’t stay in it without feeling a little awkward about having my roommate stay there too. I feel as if I’m taking away her privacy and being a nuisance. I was locked out of my room when I came back yesterday, but roomie and boyfriend let me in after a few minutes and I quickly unpacked and left shortly thereafter.

There are some people that just make you uncomfortable; it’s too bad that I happen to share a room with one. Am I being a prude? Is it wrong to think that you have to consider the other people living with you as well? Or maybe they should just get an apartment together. If my old roommate wasn’t in such a hurry to leave, we could have taken more time out to see other girls who would be a better fit for us. For all we know, the English girl could have been better. That and the fact that my finances were never that great to begin with is making me think of possibly moving back home and commuting to school, as long as I have a place to park.

What am I supposed to do vs. what do I want to do (given my financial limits) is driving me crazy. For once in my life, can’t it be the same?

Well, at least I’m supposed to visit Nancy at the mall so she can convince me to buy makeup I don’t know how to use. I think she gets commission so I’ll be helping someone out.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I love my professor

I love love love my professor. Is it ok to have girl crushes? Yeah, I think it's ok. Well, if it isn't then it's not like I care anyway. I wish all my professors were as good at teaching and being understanding. Eh, can't have everything I guess.

So... midterms are looming up once again, gotta go out to the store and get me a bag or two of coffee. With a little handy dandy coffee press and some hot water, I'll be set. I'm really craving french fries right now...

My roommate didn't come home last night so I got the room all to myself. It felt so good. I paced the room and cranked up my ipod (so I broke down and bought one, sue me) and did funky dance moves whilst taking a break from reading. Why do ipods scratch so easily?

No plan for this week, I must catch up on reading and maybe visiting a friend who just moved out. How exciting for her! I must stop by to get her martini glasses or at least a pack of Guinness.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Fumbling in the dark

My Saturday was spent fumbling in a small pitch black room with three other people... who knew photography class would be so interesting? So far I've managed to miss the first day of class, annoy the teacher, make an ass of myself, and making others hate me. But I did tone it down at the end of class...

And to think that I thought only econ classes had jerks (I'm talking about myself but mostly about others). Classical arhaeology has them as well. Never could be able to escape the growing hatred I feel for others in at least one class every semester. I'm beginning to wonder if it's me.

Nancy, Susie, and I are not beginning to warm up to the new girl at our place. Kinda wish we were able to take out more time to look for a person who would get along with us better. Ah well, it's not leased in our names anyway and I never needed to pay a deposit so I can leave whenever I want to. We'll see how it goes because I'm leaving at the end of November if I can get my schedule to gel nicely. Going to see about the graduate school fair tomorrow. I'd be surprised if I ever got into any of them, my grades suck really bad. But I'd go if only to delay working full time and if I can afford it. It's all about the effing money isn't it?

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Bete noir

A fan sounds good as white noise... but I think ear plugs work even better, not only to block the sound of snoring but to block out the lady upstairs who likes to stomp around in her room at 2 something in the morning. Plus the man who moans randomly for some reason or another. Well, at least someone is getting lucky.

I hate not being able to catch up with the prof when he's showing you how to do things on the computer. AC and I are hopelessly behind, resulting in this blog. I just want to go home and watch 'Auntie Mame'.

Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death!

I think I've been starving for the longest time.

Monday, October 03, 2005

My roommate...

She snores. I don't know what to say about that, except that I'll get used to it and I'm glad I'm back at school.

I called Olive yesterday and got a text from her... I think I got the hint. The people you miss the most are the people you can't see or haven't met.

I hate the time between trying to fall asleep and sleeping. There's too much time to think about things, which leads to tossing and turning, and then just staring at the white walls while Mary snores the night away. Isn't it funny how strangers can be the best family you've got?