Wednesday, August 03, 2005

It's never the end

Less than a month of getting my job, I got a call from the back office/headquarters saying that I should either work more hours or not work at my hometown branch. My co-workers have tried to reason with the people but it seems that they won't listen. I went on to say that my schedule works out well with the other intern, but it didn't matter. Not that he helped in any way whatsoever, since he's always vague about his hours and what he wants to do after graduation. So I got an interview with another branch and I start there on the 18th. I wish I didn't have to but I'm trained already; the experience and a little extra cash is nice too. But it's never the end of the story is it? Especially when it deals with me. Just when I think everything is all settled and taken care of, when I'm happy for a while, things screw me over. I arranged my school schedule so that I could work on certain days... if only I had known what was going to happen, I would have not worked at all.

It doesn't help that my mom has to be the queen of negativity either. She said something to the effect that once they find someone with better hours at the new office, they'll get rid of me and if only I graduated on time, I wouldn't have to worry about this. But then what happens will happen. I never thought about that before, how they'll kick me out when they find someone. It kind of ruined my day, now work will never seem as great because now I'll be thinking the same thing as well. Before that, I was just thinking that I'll stay there for the year until graduation. I didn't have expectations about anything really, why get disappointed? Now I'll be paranoid about everything, hoping each mistake I make won't be the reason they'll fire me.

I really wanted to say something nasty to her but didn't, because I know I'll regret it anyway. But I think the immediate satisfaction it would have given me would have been nice. Two lessons I've learned: work for headquarters and never talk to mom about these things. Or much of anything. I feel like smoking a whole pack today, and I don't even smoke. It seems like a good way to relieve stess. Sometimes you can't help but feel like crap.


At 5:02 PM, Blogger Iron Maiden said...

That sucks about work, I can definitely empathize on that. I pretty much had to take this shithole night job that pays crap and is an hour away because I have a kid to feed. Definitely not my dream job but at least it was stress-free, in the beginning, now they are on everybody's case all the time! Its like if you are going to pay crap at least don't get on my case about shit! LOL Just biding my time until after the summer is over than I start interviewing again.

At 7:55 AM, Blogger dorothy rothschild said...

I learned a long time ago not to listen to such nastiness from my mother. Just consider what's behind it when she says it. You're doing what you need to do, darlin'.


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