Monday, July 25, 2005


Yesterday started off well for me when I got a call from a close friend. We haven't talked for a long time, perhaps over a year so it was really nice to hear that she is doing well. Keeping in touch does have its benefits. She's going on a trip to Italy in 2 weeks, I'm so excited for her. We talked and catched up for a bit and she's coming to my graduation next year! She's better than my extended family so this is a big deal.

Anyway, I get to sign up for classes later today. Needless to say, the times the classes are scheduled at suck very much. The classes I need clash with each other, so somehow I have mostly night classes that last three hours or more since they're once a week or something stupid like that. As you can see, I'm not too crazy about it but that's what happens. I wonder if it would have been better if we didn't have budget cuts, or if I went to a private uni instead.


At 10:49 AM, Blogger dorothy rothschild said...

Isn't that a pain in the ass when classes are clumped together at weird times of the day, leaving you with huge holes in your schedule. Too long to just relax, not long enough to run home and do anything.

In grad school I used to go plant myself at a dive bar/coffee house and drink burnt coffee, chainsmoke, and pretend I was reading for school. Sounds sort of fun to me now, but I remember it was pretty boring most of the time.


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