Monday, August 29, 2005

New everything

Hmm... It has been a while hasn't it? I found that after having everything end in crap leaves no motivation for writing. Not even to bitch. I find that I've been drained of everything, including the need to communicate or at least posting on here. But I'm getting back into the habit, trying to find something to do that reminds me of better times.

Anyway, thank you for the support. I needed it and things are getting better. I moved into my new place with 3 other roommates. Sure I've lived in a dorm before, but this is a new experience. My new roomies are girly girls. Not that that's a bad thing, it's just all very new to me. I've never seen so many hair styling products/lotions/makeup in one living area. And the thing is, it's everywhere. Literally. Except for maybe the kitchen. But everywhere else it's there. Since Nancy works at the... erm bath products store (Bath and Body Works), we have everything a woman needs scattered throughout the place. My sister came to look at the place and she said it smells like girl. Better than smelling like guys! It's a bit messy, I think I'll trip over something one day and break my only pair of glasses. Perhaps it'll happen this week, making the end of August a milestone for me. Perhaps I'll survive to tell you all about it.

There's one key amongst 4 people, so that sucks. Hopefully we'll be able to get duplicates that work this time from the leasing office. So... slowly getting used to everything. I'm trying to add classes and having the computer lab all to myself (kind of) is great. Umm... job is going well so far. Bought clothes like crazy this weekend. This is supposed to make me feel better since I had a root canal later on that day. C wrote back to me last week, and I'm in the process of finishing my letter to her. Made new penpals but lost almost all of them. Go figure. Since the cable is down at my place, I've been watching Sex and the City, season 6 and am up to episode 6 I believe. It sure beats fuzzy tv. And since there is no internet either, watching for fun is a good way to pass the time. Entertainment is entertainment. Except when it's a teen movie. I shudder to think of it... there are so many at my place. Ew.

No more snoopy old ladies looking over my shoulder, or demanding the rent or bills to be paid right away. I can shower for as long as I want AND wash my hair without having someone say something about having my hair clog the drains. That's what those little drain thingies are for. Anyway, perhaps it's too soon to gloat about it just yet. But the air at Candle Central is so much more relaxed and I always get offers of food. Junk food mostly, but I still get offered. I should bring them a treat when I come back next week.

I hope you guys are doing well, sounds like it. Is everyone born around this time of the year or what? Happy birthday! (Belated for Dorothy, but still... there's nothing wrong with having a celebratory drink in her honor or for Serendipity.)

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I Ain't Happy with Pappy... and Others

This has got to be the worst month ever for me. I told Mrs. B that I would be moving out (on the 15th) at the end of the month and gave her a little more than 2 weeks notice about it. I had assumed that I would move my belongings out near the end of the month, as I had told her. Instead, two days later she tells me to move my stuff out as soon as possible. Even though I had paid for the whole month, she’s kicking me out a week and a half early. Apparently, she said she can’t show other renters the room if I still have my stuff in the room. That’s ridiculous. When I am gone, people can look about the room. I have no problems with that. Why the hell should I leave when I paid for the whole damn month? So I tried to tell her that I was under the assumption about the moving date but she used the excuse that I had never rented a room out of a private household before and that it was the rule to move out two weeks before. Nothing would work for her, so I moved out. There was a lot of fuss and raised voices over it, but I left. My dad came to help me with moving my crap out and he tried to talk to her but it didn’t work either. He wasn’t much help in that area. In fact, he made the day worse.

Later on, we set out to look for some furniture for my new place. I had told the salesman that we were just looking and wanted to know the price of a futon. After hearing the price of the model I wanted, I told him I’d think about it and then he proceeded to ask me how much I had in mind. I told him, and he nearly blew the roof. What is it with Russians? I can not deal with them today, my fuse is already short. Two in a day… did I really have to go through all that? Anyway, I got a long ass lecture from pappy about how I handled things today. Basically he told me what he thought and to him, I’m a failure. Quite refreshing to hear really, puts my relationship with him in perspective. He said something about trying to change me, but he can’t punish me or worse. Um… yikes? People say the stupidest things when they’re mad. Don’t worry paps, if things get worse, you won’t see me hanging around. Mom, of course, said nothing. I think she agrees with him as well. One thing to keep in mind, never get into a lecture or argument with paps. ‘Tis a baaad idea. So there you go.

The need to get out and do stuff on my own has never been as crucial to me as today. I can only hope to get a job and move far far away. It’s getting to the point where I think I should move out of the country or at least to the other side. And yesterday, I found out that I need a root canal and have 4 little cavities. I have a “weak tooth structure” so that means brushing right after I eat anything with sugar in it. Sigh, I’m not a dirty person, just prone to cavities. Really, I love candy so that’s why. Anyway, I look forward to the pain. What will the following days of this month bring me? Car accident? More class cancellations? Being kicked out of my new place? Being shot in a cross-gang fight? Being fired? Bring it on bitches, might as well get it over with.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Changes in schedule

An econ professor has turned in his resignation letter to the department dean. I had signed up for a class this upcoming semester with that professor, so now I am being dropped out of the class to make room for others who need it to graduate this December. This is one of the times where I'm thinking this year has gotten progressively worse for me. And now my thoughts are full of regret because I chose to go to this school instead of another one, which possibly hasn't cancelled a class or anything of that sort this year. But when was I ever known for my luck anyway? Private schools or maybe even UC anything... should have gone to one of those.

Blah, time for Guinness at a bar somewhere.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The Gay Penguins

Last weekend, my sister and I got to talking about things and somehow it lead up to her having read something about gay penguins on Yahoo News. I think we were talking about having families or how it's on our genes to want to mate. Or maybe we were talking about how there are penguins in South Africa... I don't think I'll ever remember how it got to this.

Emmiline: Hey, did you know there are gay penguins?

Constance: What? Where did you get that?

E: I read it on Yahoo News, they're in Japan or something like that.

C: Well, how do people know?

E: The scientists said that there were two female penguins who refused to mate with the males. I don't see why they think they're gay... I just don't think the penguins wanted to deal with that crap.

And this is why I get along so well with Emmiline. Although I must admit, she should check her facts more closely.

Monday, August 08, 2005


So I went to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art last tuesday, and sneaked a few pics on my camera phone. As you can see, the first one is a Picasso. I remember not so much about everything else. Just that it was crowded that day, and I spent money in the gift shop. Oh, and the third floor was the best since it was the photography section. Yeah... everything fell apart afterwards but it's ok now. I suppose. I can't wait until this week is over since I get a week off before fall semester starts again. Which is kind of pathetic since I never did have much of a summer break, but I knew what I was getting myself into. I'm stupid that way. Anyhoo... watch out for the little Filipino ladies who "chaperone" the exibits at the museum, they're everywhere watching you like hawks.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

It's never the end

Less than a month of getting my job, I got a call from the back office/headquarters saying that I should either work more hours or not work at my hometown branch. My co-workers have tried to reason with the people but it seems that they won't listen. I went on to say that my schedule works out well with the other intern, but it didn't matter. Not that he helped in any way whatsoever, since he's always vague about his hours and what he wants to do after graduation. So I got an interview with another branch and I start there on the 18th. I wish I didn't have to but I'm trained already; the experience and a little extra cash is nice too. But it's never the end of the story is it? Especially when it deals with me. Just when I think everything is all settled and taken care of, when I'm happy for a while, things screw me over. I arranged my school schedule so that I could work on certain days... if only I had known what was going to happen, I would have not worked at all.

It doesn't help that my mom has to be the queen of negativity either. She said something to the effect that once they find someone with better hours at the new office, they'll get rid of me and if only I graduated on time, I wouldn't have to worry about this. But then what happens will happen. I never thought about that before, how they'll kick me out when they find someone. It kind of ruined my day, now work will never seem as great because now I'll be thinking the same thing as well. Before that, I was just thinking that I'll stay there for the year until graduation. I didn't have expectations about anything really, why get disappointed? Now I'll be paranoid about everything, hoping each mistake I make won't be the reason they'll fire me.

I really wanted to say something nasty to her but didn't, because I know I'll regret it anyway. But I think the immediate satisfaction it would have given me would have been nice. Two lessons I've learned: work for headquarters and never talk to mom about these things. Or much of anything. I feel like smoking a whole pack today, and I don't even smoke. It seems like a good way to relieve stess. Sometimes you can't help but feel like crap.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Le liste

Serendipity tagged me for this one, which is better than the typical whining and bitterness you see here. I'll leave that to tomorrow.

Three names I go by:
1. It rhymes with terra and starts with the letter S
2. Connie
3. N/A

Three screen names I've had:
1. Sa**h blah
2. Sa**htriste
3. mylittleve$p@

Three physical things I like about myself:
1. My average body type (for my race/gender,etc.)
2. My eyes, kind of
3. Sorry can't think of a third

Three physical things I don't like about myself:
1. My skin
2. My hair
3. My height (Vertically challenged)

Three parts of my heritage:
1. I wonder if you guys know already, I'd think you would
2. Like S, I'm not mixed
3. That's it

Three things I am wearing right now:
1. A t-shirt
2. A pair of jeans
3. Earrings

Three favorite bands/musical artists :(This varies at odd intervals)
1. Yann Tiersten
2. Nine Inch Nails
3. Cesaria Evora

Three things I want in a relationship: (Exactly the same as SL)
1. Passion
2. Honesty
3. Trust

Two truths and a lie:(and anyone who knows me will pick out the lie right away!)
1. I play the guitar
2. I speak/read/write/dream in French, just not here
3. I can't keep my nails long

Three physical things about the preferred sex that appeal to you:
1. Strong jaw line
2. Eyes
3. Hair

Three favorite hobbies:
1. Travel
2. Writing
3. Photography

Three things I want to do badly right now :
1. Fly a plane anywhere
2. Go sightseeing locally
3. Have a cocktail drink. I'm feeling like a Long Island right now but just one, because that's all I can take

Three things that scare me:
1. The loss of loved ones
2. Not knowing what the future has in store for me
3. Losing friends and not being able to make more friends

Three of my everyday essentials:
1. Cell phone
2. Computer
3. Something to read

Three Careers you have considered or are considering :
1. Travel writer/photographer
2. Small charter pilot
3. Book publisher/editor

Three places you want to go on vacation:
1. If I could I'd like to take a cruise along the French Riviera then on to...
2. Italy and ending up in
3. Greece

Three things you want to do before you die:
1. Go to Africa and work for an NPO at least for a year
2. Own a place near the water and have it remodeled to my taste
3. Visit at least one lesser known island/country

Three ways I am stereotypically a boy:
1. I'm not into fashion as much
2. I hate drama
3. I'm better at technical stuff

Three ways I am stereotypically a girl:
1. I love chick flicks
2. I am a romantic
3. I would love a makeover, especially for my hair

Three celeb crushes :
1. Rodrigo Santoro, who played Karl in "Love Actually"
2. Gael Garcia Bernal
3. Clive Owen (mysterious darkness is always cool)

Consider yourself tagged if you like.