Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The Gay Penguins

Last weekend, my sister and I got to talking about things and somehow it lead up to her having read something about gay penguins on Yahoo News. I think we were talking about having families or how it's on our genes to want to mate. Or maybe we were talking about how there are penguins in South Africa... I don't think I'll ever remember how it got to this.

Emmiline: Hey, did you know there are gay penguins?

Constance: What? Where did you get that?

E: I read it on Yahoo News, they're in Japan or something like that.

C: Well, how do people know?

E: The scientists said that there were two female penguins who refused to mate with the males. I don't see why they think they're gay... I just don't think the penguins wanted to deal with that crap.

And this is why I get along so well with Emmiline. Although I must admit, she should check her facts more closely.


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