Thursday, April 26, 2007

Joie de vivre

On all the trains in the city, there are speakers that allow the conductor to announce stops and other informative information. Sometimes they forget that the speakers are on, and we riders get to hear what they're saying either to themselves or to people up front trying to buy ticket transfers. This morning as we pulled into the Embarcadero station downtown, our conductor was talking out of the window to one of her co-workers standing on the platform. Somehow the microphone caught some pieces of the conversation and then we hear her laugh. I only saw one person smiling after hearing that on the train, besides myself. Either it was too early in the morning for riders to register what they were hearing, or they just don't respond to other people's laughter.So I just thought that people need to lighten up or they must not look forward to going to work. And then I thought, wouldn't that be great to have a job where I can laugh like that too? Maybe it was her personality, maybe her coworker said something hilarious. Maybe I'm not as a depressing person as I think I am, though I do have those moments. But all I'm hearing right now is this laugh, and it should make my day go by more productively - if anything.

I'm hoping all goes well with my plan to talk with my Prof. and then it's on home to do massive amounts of work. But Friday after work (if they haven't decided to fire me yet) is dinner with Jenn. I think it'll be warm enough so it's a nice chance to eat outside - it's so gorgeous here. Kind of makes me wish I didn't have to be inside.

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