Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Sometimes, men can be bigger bitches than women. And coming from me, that's saying a lot.

Don't want to go into details, but it must be true love if you are getting married or have stayed married, knowing that humankind is probably the worst thing the Earth could have concieved. Ugh. But we must deal with it, and live out our lives with some kind of purpose, though what that is I will never know.

People say it's better to not be in a relationship than in a bad one. I agree, I'd rather be alone and in peace than have to deal with such drama. Is this possibly one of the reasons why women choose to marry later in life these days? Or at all? You know, have your cake and eat it too? The cake being the career and personal freedom, and the eat part being dating around for the heck of it, all the while looking for "the one"?

Of course, having more economic freedom is a major factor but aside from that, what else could it be?


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