Monday, September 18, 2006

A somewhat waste of a day


Being me, I got myself into a situation where I ended up stuck at my uncle's house for the past 7 hours. First, I was guilt tripped into looking at shoddy real estate prospects that weren't really propsects since my family is all talk and no action. Afterwards, I was duped into thinking that I would only have to stay at this house for a few hours while the parents went to go look at other "prospects" since I have to read for class tomorrow. I am extremely mad. I was in a rage actually, after all it's not my fault that they decided to go gamble after a hard day's work of looking around. Not at all.

I mean, who the hell looks at houses and then goes to gamble right after? I hope they lose all their money. I am delirious from all the angst I am feeling. As well as having to deal with a keyboard that sticks. At least I have a computer and internet my aunt let me borrow for the past hour. I am thankful for that.

In my effort to waste time away, I went to read the news at BBC. My favoite section, and undoubtedly the most entertaining to me was the 'Have Your Say' section of the site, especially if you view it as the UK version.

I found the topic titled : Should skinny models be banned from catwalks? and clicked it. Fantastic choice, in my opinion. I love reading people's comments and the little fights they have with one another - comments from the UK in particular are more fun to read. One comment caught my atention, and I loved the tone it was written in:

Added: Wednesday, 13 September, 2006, 16:59 GMT 17:59 UK
The reason that skinny models are used is simple, the average designer cannot cope with the extra skill levels needed to produce a garment that looks good on a shapely woman. Any partly trained amateur can dress a clothes horse/ stick insect, it takes real talent to make clothes that fit someone with breasts and hips. As for designing for the 'larger woman' just look at the disasters produced by so called top designers, perhaps we should test them with a 'large woman' challenge.

Barry P, Havant England

Thank you Barry P. of Havant, England. You and a whole bunch of folks with opinions made my day a bit better because I was occuppied from being angry. For a while.


At 8:18 AM, Blogger dorothy rothschild said...

There's an article in todays NYTimes about this, and they've got a comments section going. I love reading this stuff too and watching people spout the usual cliched horsesh*t, and the people crying, but we don't want fatties to be modeling! It's just the fatties taking over! And of course there were references to those Dove ads, as if those women in the Dove ads were big ol' blobs of hideousness.

At 10:34 PM, Blogger Iron Maiden said...

Its been awhile!!! How're you doin!!! Sorry, life's been a friggin trip & a half!! Hope you start posting again, I'm trying! Applause...applause!! Can't wait to hear from ya soon.


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