Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Where is my mind?

Yesterday was the first day of work for this week, and was quite possibly the worst. Maybe. I don't know really, I have two more days of work so we'll see. Anyway, I was preoccupied with emailing Jenn since we don't sit near each other and have developed a pseudo-chat system by playing tag through email. Today Roma told me about her friend upstairs who knows more about the program I’m trying to get into at work. Since her friend is in municipals, she says her department requires interns to pay once they're in the program. Which is ridiculous. Roma says she doesn’t know how much but maybe it’s just that one department. Why the hell should I pay to be a virtual slave though? Plus, there is no guarantee I'd make it after the period of training. Screw it, I say. This is utter crap. I still have to go through the normal applications process and all that.

Forget about it. There are more things to life than this, like taking pictures of elephants and various wildlife in Africa. You must have alternative plans, darlings.

Where was I? Oh yes. Yesterday however, I didn't know about having to pay so I was debating with myself whether or not to stay with the company. Jenn had a few inputs, and we slacked off work a bit. If it weren't for the money... Why does it cost so much to live?

My whole point for this post today was that I got on the wrong train going home. Yesterday, that is. I quickly realized this when we surfaced and I saw the Victorian houses on Carl Street. So I hopped off at Duboce park and waited for the returning train to take me back to Van Ness, in which I wasted another hour. Why did I miss that train? I was so sure it was the M but apparently not. Sheesh. The people on this train were more nice and pleasant. Duh. That should have been the first clue. I think I'm losing my mind. Or my sight. Most likely both. But maybe I should not think all the time lest I unintentionally kill myself and many innocent others due to my spaciness.

Today, I went out to go pick up lunch with Michelle (not my favorite person but oh well) for everyone since it was in celebration towards Keith's upcoming wedding this Saturday. Good for him, I am very jealous of his fiancee. She caught herself a “good man”. But since they've been dating for 9 years (?) or so I'd say she's entitled.

I’m looking forward to summer classes since they should be interesting and are an excuse not to work so much. I find myself increasingly jealous of people with trust funds and who are just taking it easy. Damn, what a life. Do they just manage their portfolios all their lives or something?


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