Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Missing jury duty

Being me, I screwed up again when it came to jury duty.

I was actually supposed to call in one day but never noticed the writing on the bottom of the page that said I had to call in. They told us to go check online to see if we were to report any day that week, and my group number was picked. Apparently, I had to report Wednesday but I never did. I freaked out when I checked it again on Friday and finally noticed the note with the phone number on the webpage. I was at work at that time, so I was scared that I'd get in trouble with my boss as well and the court. I called the number 3 times and got different answers and had to fax in another request for postponement. I pictured some police dropping by at the office and dragging me out to put me in jail. I was so paranoid. I think that if I mess up again, I'll be fired in addition to having serve time in jail. Ugh, they won't let me off the hook at all, those bastards. Anyway, here's to serving jury duty in December.

My roommates and I went out to eat yesterday to celebrate Nancy's birthday. This will be one of the only times I will spend with all of them because Liza is moving out. Another girl came on Monday to look at the place and she's coming again in the evening today to look at it with her mom. I really wish we didn't have to go through with all this, but if my old roommate wants to leave, I can't say anything about it. Oh well, I won't be here for that much longer since graduation is less than a year away. Thank goodness for that.

And no one noticed that I pierced my ears. That and playing phone tag with Liv is getting old. Gah, my weekends must be on the same level as members of the clergy. They probably have more exciting times than I do.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Lopsided earrings

Being the loser that I am, I have decided to get my ears pierced again since I let them close up after being a total idiot and not wearing earrings for months at a time. And to make things more comical, I have (had actually) two piercings on each ear and let one close up on each, none of them corresponding to the other on the opposite side. The whole point is if you look at my ears closely, you will see that my earrings aren’t aligned with each other. One side is higher than the other… so I’m getting that fixed. This shall be my fourth time doing this, and it better be my last! I’m thinking maybe I should just forget about it but I have all these earrings at home and it’s such a waste to not have the holes to wear them with… and dammit, my earrings shall look normal and not lopsided. Wish me luck since I might get an infection and have my ears fall off and then I’ll be crying to myself and mad at the fact that I couldn’t be happy with lopsided ear piercings in the first place.

I almost laughed out loud when I read the comment from NY Belle, you actually have flute music? That’s so funny, I was thinking of buying something like that at one of the touristy places up here; the performers were all dressed up in their native clothing… Peruvian flute players are the best. But I haven’t gotten around to Gregorian chant either although I have looked at one store so far. I should just download it if I can find it online. And I should get an ipod as well, getting mighty tired of carrying my cd’s and player around. Did you hear about the new Nano? Next thing you know, it’ll be smaller than your finger nail. Try getting it to play songs then!

There’s a new girl coming to look at the room tomorrow though I’m not sure when she’s going to show up. Bah, I really wish I were rich. I spent a lot of time on front of the tv yesterday and watching, of all things, MTV and this show called Laguna Beach. Oh. My. Gawd. Like, ew! This is probably what people think when the word California comes up in a conversation. If only I were as spoiled, skinny, and airheaded as these folk. Life would be stressing about your boyfriend, your ex-friend stealing for boyfriend/ex-boyfriend, your ruined trip to Cabo, etc. It was so sick, I wanted to throw up yet I was glued to it for some odd reason. You get to see what other peoples’ lives are like, a helluva lot more luxurious and careless than mine. The only drama I have are my ears… and my “friend” that wrote online who qualifies as her friend and who isn’t, etc.

She emailed me today, asking me how things have been going and even asked to get coffee with me when we are both free. Deep down I know she’s a good person and all, but I have to say, I really wish she would grow up and maintain relationships without so much drama. I should write her back - don’t know what to say exactly.

Needless to say… I don’t wanna. Again.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Jury Duty

Over the summer, I had a pleasant surprise come in the mail. It was my jury summons telling me I had to do jury duty sometime in July. I should have just waited it out, even with summer classes. Instead, I sent in a request for postponement and it’s time to check if I need to show up this week. I had requested far in advance a week that I was free but since nothing ever works out the way I want it to, I have to go this week - smack dab in the middle of school. I know it’s my duty as a citizen to do this and that the judicial system wouldn’t work without it, blah blah etc. I checked yesterday evening and it told me to call or look online at 11. So I checked online and it’s telling me to check again after 5pm.

Needless to say… I don’t wanna. Whine whine whine

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I take it back

You know how I griped about my stats professor? I take it back, he's not as bad (a person) as I had previously thought. And Gregorian chant is really good sleep music, even if it is in class. I think I should use it for nights of insomnia, or do the simple thing and read anything required for class. Lalala... feeling really good right now.

Monday, September 12, 2005

The chi ain't here

Over the past week, I discovered my roommate is really into meditation and feng shui. We talked about if or a couple minutes, after she told me she wanted to move out and live with her friend who is more of an expert than she is on meditation, prayer, etc. So... I have the choice of either forking up another $200 for the whole room or have another girl move in. Hmm... since I'm only staying up here 3 days out of the week, I'd rather have another girl share a room with me. I'll take the chances because I can't afford not to. Sigh. Another glitch on the road to... I want to say recovery but it's not. I guess I can call it an aftershock. Anyway, who knows that the other girl will do to undoubtedly annoy me.

So anyway, nurse roomie rearranged the whole room this weekend when I was away so now my feet don't point out to the window and hers don't stick towards the bathroom because it's bad form. Obviously, the toiiet creates too much energy and it affects her so that she couldn't sleep. And where I was sleeping before was next to the windows so it was cold. Maybe this way will be better for physical reasons. I even tried that at home a few years ago, but since my room is smaller than a friggin' bathroom, I went back to the old way of arranging it. I really don't think it matters for me or where my bed is located, as long as I'm comfortable it's fine. I can only hope my future roomie will be tolerable. Please. Perhaps now that the chi is flowing nicely, things will take a turn for the good? Not counting on it, but the hope is there.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Smell the Glaciers

Just when things are getting better for me, it gets worse for the country. Maybe it’s a jinx or something. I’m the person who is the personal representative of the whole nation and am a good indicator for when things get from bad to worse. Or something. Which means that things will get better, right? Because I’m still good, been wondering how Belle in particular is doing. Does anyone read this anymore? Does it matter? Maybe this is a good time to take a pretend cruise to Alaska, sort myself out a bit and come back when I have something to say. You know, take some time off and smell the glaciers.

I cut class today to write email and this here little bit of literary trash because I haven’t been good with posts anymore. (Literature that is crap. That’s funny, I should call this crap. Just plain old crap. There.)

I got all my classes, am in the process of trying to find out if I can write for the International Relations Journal at school, and having a marvelous time (as close as you can get anyway). No quizzes yet, no stupid projects or papers to worry about, and I haven’t spent enough time in class to get annoyed by any of my professors so far.

So what does Etruscan really sound like? And what about the University of Paris? I really want some ice cream right now; the combination of thinking and writing is giving me the munchies.