Monday, July 18, 2005

Parallel parking

No chauffer this week. Poor Connie has to drive her ass to and from school for a while.

I can't parallel park to save my life. I inch back and forth along the curb, ever so slowly but end up scratching my tires against the cement anyway. I open the side passenger door to see how far I ended up and to see whether or not I should re-park again. So after 5 tries, I got to park my car (as good as I can do it) near the apartments. I can only hope no one:

a. crashes into it and leaves
b. gives me a parking ticket
c. steals it or tows it away

Earlier last week as I was sitting in my car, I heard the DJ saying something about how there's this one study on how well you drive based on your astrological sign. The best drivers out there are people with the Taurus sign. As the list went on and on... I had an inkling about who was going to be the worst driver. Pisces came in third or second (hah, my sister would love to hear about this) and wouldn't you know it, Gemini came in as the number one worst driver. If the insurance companies based their rates on this, I would be so screwed. More so than I am right now, but I couldn't help but laugh out loud in the car as I heard it. It's kind of true, I'm not the world's best driver and after driving in this city, no one here is either. But people can park very well. I just saw this one woman parking her van in a space I wouldn't even try to bother with, and I drive a compact.

Nothing like totally useless information (no offense to those who really believe this) in the morning to perk me up.

I am easily entertained. Kind of makes you wonder why I'm single... or maybe that's why. Hmm...


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