Thursday, January 24, 2008

It's in the cut

So today was my first day of the new semester at school, which I knew was going to come sooner than later but it's over and done with. Whilst walking in the rain with my jacket hood on, I went back and forth campus from class to class and noticed that this is where all the (as far as labels go) emo, hip hop, international (as in, not only from Asia), older, flamingly gay, so-cal, and different people go. I've noticed it when I entered school but it's San Francisco so what more could I ask for? This was the reason I decided on my school and it's the people that make the school more enjoyable. For me anyway. We have all sorts. Not like say, Berkeley, where it seems like everyone is kinda sorta normal. How boring is that?

Anyway, that wasn't the point of this post. Since it was raining and was cold in general, most people were decked out in their winter jackets. What stuck out in my mind was that on the train home, I saw some older folks wearing trench coats that weren't particularly flattering. Usually I'm not a stickler for fashion and all that, I didn't match today or any day. What people wear is their business but it must have been the drastic difference in demographics from school to the public or something since I was really aware of people, and the dowdy coats that hung off their body frames. There are better coats out there!

Take a page from the Europeans (Italians especially) and their winter wear - trim line and simple. I saw this one chica with a nice wool coat and she was rockin' it.

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Thursday, January 03, 2008

So sparkly!

So... I was watching PBS earlier today (no, I was channel surfing but what else would I be doing on a stormy Thursday night - or any other night?) and I came across Deepak Chopra's Happiness Prescription program. I've heard of Dr. Chopra's name in various circles and knew what he was about but I've never seen his specials or read any of his books. At the beginning, we were introduced to cognitive thinking, etc. My attention wavered a bit until he mentioned how he believes that Buddha was the first cognitive therapist based on the Buddhist doctrines. Again my mind was trying to process what he said, to follow his thought process yet all I could look at was Dr. Chopra. More specifically, I was looking at his glasses.

I know there were many many important things he mentioned afterwards but I honestly could not see or think about anything but his thick plastic frames covered in red sparkles. This isn't the first time I've seen Dr. Chopra and he never wore those glasses. Ever. I wonder if he consulted someone about this before he taped his special, or whether it was a strategic move to have everyone look at his eyes - you know, for that psychological effect or whatever. But I thought it was strange of him to wear something so ostentatious. First of all, they didn't match his outfit. His clothes were rather sedate so perhaps he wanted to pull attention away from the boring clothes. Hmm.. perhaps. Second of all, I want those glasses for myself. If it's going to be anyone who needs new ostentatious frames, it would be me. Imagine Dorothy's shoes from The Wizard of Oz in the form of glasses. Forget the 10 steps to happiness, I got a bit of conscious happiness just looking at them sparkle!

Since mentioning glasses, I should go and get new lenses if not new frames for my own after two years of wearing the same pair. Words are getting a little harder to read from the back of the room and my right lense somehow became foggy though not because it's dirty. I'm sure that's why people give me a peculiar look (good? bad? I've no idea) when they talk to me. Either that or my eyes are gorgeous and the glasses serve as magnifiers, though opaque ones at that.

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Tuesday, January 01, 2008


For the sake of actually keeping my resolutions, I have decided to keep them simple and short... as well as relatively easy to reach. Goodness knows how many times I've broken past resolutions or have given up making any at all. In no particular order:

Write more. On my blog or anywhere else. I started with a Magnetic Poetry calendar, does that count? A little?

Work my behind off in all my classes. In other words, get spectacular grades.

Work out at least three times a week. No matter what the circumstances except if I physically can't. Knock on wood.

Improve the cash flow. That camera ain't going to buy itself!

Do something about my hair. Everyone's been telling me to and I've been getting tired of the same old stuff too.

Reduce the junk that's been piling up in my room. It'll make moving out easier.

Pass the tests in May. That means studying enough to be confident in signing up for the exams in the first place.

Work on web design/photography skills.

Keep in touch with friends more.

I was going to say work on improving the personality a bit but I realize that if I keep up with these resolutions I'd be content and thus, happier.

Well. That shouldn't be too hard to do I hope.
Happy New Year to everyone!