Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Sadly, no Rat Pack (even more bitching)

I'm spending my last night in the city packing some things to bring home tomorrow. Then I plan to pack some more for my trip to Las Vegas.

Yes, that's right.

Connie is actually going somewhere, even though it's not a cruise or anything spectacular like that. But she is indeed going to stay at the Bellagio and going to watch Cirque du Soleil's "O". She still has some reservations about going, since it was Emmiline's idea to go. Connie never was a fan of hot weather, but she plans on hiding inside the casinos most of the time. That and the fact that she's not much of a gambler. Most likely, she'll be playing at the slot machines. What a way to party. This is what happens when a certain friend, let's call her Irene, promises to have Connie as her guest in Geneva and Rome, but fails to follow through. Darn it all. I have some unfinished business with that woman, grrr.

We'll see about Vegas... I've yet to determine if I hate it or love it. But I'm sure everyone will know sooner or later.

Dinner plans with the girls went off without a hitch, we had some great food at Marnee Thai, then went somewhere that had desserts at some restaurant on 20th and Noreiga. I forgot what it was called. We bitched, we moaned, Lucie and Jenn talked about their long-term relationships they're still in. And it scared me a bit. But they assured me it's not all bad, so that was the point where I found it hard not to scoff, and waited forever for the L train to come to take us back to West Portal.

We had dinner a second time in Chinatown this past Monday. Ironically, we had sushi (bad idea) and got to meet Jenn's boyfriend who has several shops on Grant, I think. Then we went to the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Company factory in a sleazy alley between Grant and Stockton in the heart of Chinatown. It was cool seeing the people make the cookies, and we got some fresh ones right off the err... machine? I don't know what you call it. It was cool though.

And here comes my bitching part, I tend to repeat myself quite a bit but it makes me feel better. Consider this my relaxation therapy, each person has their own release so if you don't mind...

I got in trouble with the company because I used the email too much for making the dinner plans. Apparently, it's supposed to be used for business only (duh), and a quick message to Jenn about meeting her at a certain place is fine. But we wrote too much for the company's liking. Which is total BS, as is the company but I'm leaving in less than a month (can't come any sooner) so I could care less. I came into work with a voice message on my phone, and basically had to go downstairs to talk to one of the managers about my excessive use of email. Lovely, I'm leaving a good impression here aren't I? Meh, whatever. They watch you "like hawks" as Jenn likes to say. They sure as hell do, I'm a lowly intern with little to no importance. What the hell do they want to know?

I do understand that email is for business, but since my job does not give me access to business type messages, I email my friends at other places. Why? Because I'm bored as fuck doing a crap job, that's why. Bastards. Jenn is at another bank, and I'm still here so I try to kill my boredom by emailing her. What does it matter? Whatever, I guess they don't want a paper trail or anything. I had one thing going for me and they managed to take that away as well.

Today was a particularly boring day, with Roma in Costa Rica and no Lucie scheduled, it sucked. Did I tell you they're having a party tomorrow for Chris and Lucie? Actually, it's more like for Chris (they love Chris, he's a gift from the heavens) but they added Lucie so they won't look as bad. But I know who the party is for, and so does Lucie. Anyway, they never mentioned it to me. I think they assumed that I was going to be there on Friday as the party was originally planned that day - but I decided to take it off since I wanted to do last minute packing for Vegas. I don't think I'll be missing much on Thursday.

September 1st shall be sweet indeed. I can't wait.

I even wrote that in my email, I hope that saw that too.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Interns leaving in droves... (bitch fest warning)

Last Wednesday was Jenn's last day of work, while Lucie is leaving in less than two weeks, and Chris is hanging around for three more weeks. I am planning on turning in my letter of resignation tomorrow since they ask for a month's notice (which bites big time).

I have had about enough. If the job description said anything about data entry, I probably would have been more prepared for it, or I would have not even bothered applying to this crap job in the first place. Anyway, I've yet to think of what to say in the letter, and I should update my resume so that I can find another job. So they'd better get on their asses and place an ad for more suckers to do all the grunt work, us girls have had enough. Chris is getting tired of this as well, but then again, that's what happens when you leave dead files to sit in the cabinets for over three years. I knew something was up when Michelle told us she had a "special project" for us. Special my ass...

On Monday I overheard her saying Jules that there were a lot more of files to go through, to which Jules promptly told her not to worry and that I'd be here. I was sitting in my litle corner and overheard it all, which made me want to laugh out loud at the whole situation. Bastards.

Over this period of time, other interns never had to do this, it's just this year that they decided to bring this skilless and mundane task for us interns. Why us of all people? Why now? It's not like there wasn't anything to do... they make us do other crap in addition to making us record the thousands of clients who have decided to take their money elsewhere (for good reason too) in Excel. I'm close to one thousand entries, so proud of myself but not really.

Jenn said I was basically screwing them over, which made me smirk with glee. It's not like they can't find any new people, but if they don't get their act together then it's their fault. I'm giving them a month! Sheesh, they probably would hate me too if they haven't already. You see how misleading one-on-one meetings when you get neutral/positive feedback? They sucker you into staying! Stupid stupid mistake. Especially when you ask to learn more and they promise to but they don't and "forgot" the week after.

I've thought about this for the past several days quite often, and I am still not sure if this is the best thing for me to do. I would have to move back home, try to find another job there or keep looking for one up in SF. Either way, it puts a damper on my relationship with JP. Barely a month long and it feels as if it's going to end, in my opinion. He on the other hand is optimistic, so I suppose the adage of opposites attracting applies a little here.

I have a dinner date with Jenn and Lucie tomorrow after work, so they'll want to know all the details about turning in my resignation. Then we can bitch some more about the company while we eat.

Looking forward to it.